11/05/15 Day 43 –
Legs & Calves
marks 2 things, the beginning of Week 7 and thus DTP Extreme
Training, but also it is my 21st
Birthday today, so celebrating all weekend has lead to possibly one
of if not the HARDEST training session of my life.
stands for Dramatic Transformation Protocol and it draws from a
Extreme version of pyramid training, there will be a shed load of
reps and sets. You will discover a whole new meaning of the word
volume. Lets see what my Birthday training looked like:
Leg Press
– 6 Sets, 1 x 30,25,20,15,10,5
Leg Press
– 6 Sets, 1 x 5,10,15,20,25,30
each rep performed 1 sec rest is awarded, 5 reps = 5 sec rest)
Leg Extension
– 6 Sets, 1 x 30,25,20,15,10,5
Leg Curl – 6 Sets, 1 x
Extension – 6 Sets, 1 x
each rep performed 1 sec rest is awarded, 5 reps = 5 sec rest)
Leg Curl – 6 Sets, 1 x
each rep performed 1 sec rest is awarded, 5 reps = 5 sec rest)
Calf Raises – 6 Sets, 1 x
Calf Raises – 6 Sets, 1 x
– Interval Training 15mins
today's with a really solid warm up was key, I knew that the session
was going to be stupidly difficult so mental preparation was
paramount. With several minutes on the bike it was time to crack on
with stretching and some mobility work, when hitting such high volume
you must,must,must warm up for a good amount of time otherwise you
will tighten up to fast and render that whole session worthless.
jumping on the Leg Press
it became very apparent very quickly that this was going to be a very
Extreme session. With two sets in (30 reps & 25 reps) my legs had
already become fully swollen, with around a minute rest between each
of the first 6 sets meant that going heavy was a easy possibility.
Building the weight up with every sets merely helps to pre fatigue
the muscle before getting into the “Extreme” portion of the
exercise. For the next 6 sets the weight would be kept on whatever
weight was used to do 20 reps in the previous sets, then I had to
perform 5 reps, 10 reps, 15,20, etc. up to 30 reps. The number of
reps I performed was the amount of time I was aloud to rest, 5 reps =
5 secs, 10 reps = 10 secs and we did this all the way up to 30 reps!
Needless to say I was on the verge of crying through these 6 sets. If
you want a challenge, you need to try this out.
then moved from the Leg Press to a wonderful superset using both the
Leg Extension &
the Lay Leg Curl.
Using the exact same method here as the last exercise we built up the
weights as the rep range dropped. With the legs so heavily fatigued
just adjusting the machine was a struggle enough let alone trying to
actually do something, so I was not looking to achieve any personal
bests here, but instead simply work my way through these sets, in
wait for the horrendous pyramid sets to follow. Thankfully with these
exercises we didn't have to superset them on the 2nd
lot of sets and work through the 5,10,15,20,25 and 30 reps on each
machine separately. With such short rest periods between sets my legs
were screaming at me for most of the session, I got used to the fact
that it felt like my legs were on fire for the majority of the time,
but what was really hard was how the muscles took such a beating, by
the final few sets the muscles just didn't have the energy to
contract fully. It was a very strange feeling having your legs just
give up on you in such a way, but it certainly let me know they were
being worked.
finish off the lower body we used the Seated Calf Raise
machine, using the same
principle as the last 2 exercises we built up our weights through our
first 6 sets, which by this point was so difficult. Even though it
was a fresh muscle group our bodies just couldn't handle to beating
it had taken, so we (my partner and I) had to try our best to
encourage the other person one, counting out every rep and every rest
interval allowed us to just get on with the actual exercise. As we
got onto the final 6 pyramid sets it almost became a case of
stretching in between every set, the calves as a muscle group for me
like to tighten incredibly quickly and almost get a burning fizz
running through them for the session, which really isn't ideal, so
stretch and make the most of it!
hope everyone has had an awesome weekend! I certainly have. Lots of
new comics to wear and a bunch of new gym vests to show off to you
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