Thursday, 2 April 2015

Week 1 Day 4 - I'm Gunna Fly Like and Eagle!

2/04/15 Day 4- Back

Its been a slightly earlier start for me today, up at 8am for the gym. With an afternoon/evening shift at work I wanted to make sure I gave myself plenty of time to fit in everything I needed to. The last thing I want is panic and stress, so I will always make sure I give myself plenty of time to do everything I need or even prepare the night before, or even a few nights before. Failure to prepare, prepare to fail.

Pushing on towards the end of Easter its still somewhat gloomy hear in Southern England, after being promised a scorching Easter I have to say I'm some what let down, but definitely not surprised! I mean England isn't exactly known for its glorious weather is it?! But its home, which means no matter what it will always have a place in my heart.

With the wind subsiding some what a swift cycle to the gym started my day. Here is what the Workout looked like for me:

Barbell Row- 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps
Seated Cable Row- 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps
Lat Pulldown- 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps
One-Arm Dumbbell Row- 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps
Dumbbell Pull Overs- 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps
Rack Pulls- 3 Sets x 8-12 Reps

Cardio – Interval Training 15mins Total

Walking into the gym there was a sense of peace and calm, now I don't know about you, but this is not something that gets me pumped up ready for a killer session. So we a deep breath, I selected the hardcore playlist in my phone, pushed the headphones in, exhaled and drew in all my mental focus to the task at hand: Lift as much as you can, with correct form, for 8-12 Reps. Mission accepted.

After a brisk warm up and a solid active stretch off I moved my way to the Barbell Racks for my first exercise, Barbell Row, this is an exercise I have often opted out for previous and substituted with the cable rows, so it was a bit of a learning curve for me. Working with a fairly close grip I put my emphasis on drawing all the power from my upper back and squeezing my rhomboids as much as possible at the top. I have seen it many a time where people put lots of weight on the bar and use their lower back to do all the work, only utilising the correct muscles at the very end of the movement, I however, want to work to get as much Time Under Tension as possible. So a strong base, tight lower back and torso parallel to the floor allowed me to engage as many muscles as possible during this exercise. Admittedly I had to take slightly longer rest periods on this exercise as I really felt it take its toll on me. With all my Errectus Spinae muscles working in unison with my Traps, Rhomboids and Lats its no wonder this is such a sort after exercise in the body building community, and today I found out the hard way!

Starting to feel like I had been blown up with a foot pump, I made my way to the Seated Cable Row. With this exercise I used a V bar and pulled the cable towards my navel (belly button), this I find allows me to get the best squeeze through my muscles and recruits a lot more muscles then just stopping when my arms come in line with my torso, but don't forget to experiment, something else might work better for you! Using the most weight here its fair to say a couple of grunts echoed in the walls of the gym to help me hit that upper Rep range. #SorryNotSorry

Red bull doesn't give you wings, Lat Pulldown does! This is again one of my favourite exercises in the gym, the thought of being able to spread my lats like a pterodactyl sends a buzz through my veins (I know, I'm sad). So with this exercise, again, I try to make sure I'm not using lots of momentum to pull the load down, as then I'm moving that target area away from the Lats, which quite frankly makes the whole point of performing this redundant. It took me a while to find my perfect weight on this exercise, which probably fatigued me a bit too much, but none the less I still hit my Reps and made sure I kept tension through those Lats on both the concentric phase and eccentric phase.

After catching my reflection in the mirror I thought...Why can't I look this pumped all the time!? And after the soul destroying reality that I will always think that I moved on to take my anger out on some Dumbbells.

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows a fairly simple exercise, yet very effective, I like this exercise because I can feel the stretch through my whole lats by pushing the Dumbbell very slightly forwards at the bottom of the motion then drawing my elbow up towards my hip. If you have never tried this method I would really give it a go! With this exercise it definitely brings to light if you have one dominate set of muscles on one side of your body! Just something else to work on!

After getting my breath back from those Dumbbell Rows I picked up a slightly lighter weight for the next exercise, the Dumbbell Pull Overs, if you have never tried this before, think of it like a cable pull down, but laying down (ah how relaxing...No! This is no time for sleep, we're building muscles here!). I really enjoy this exercise as I feel it open up the chest and stretch those Lats out, which makes for a better contraction on the way up. To make it harder for myself I would only bring the Dumbbell in line with my head and then lower back down, pushing lots of blood into my back, and making me squeal like a little girl at the same time...its worth it.

And last but certainly not least, Rack Pulls, this is trying to tighten up that lower back, which will then help me with all my free standing movements, Deadlifts, Squats etc, etc. So all in all its a cracking exercise that will separate the men from the boys, the boys from the mice and the mice from the...oh you get the point. Here I got some pretty big plates on the bar, and regretted leaving my straps at home immediately! For myself I made sure that I was hitting the top of my Rep range on these Pulls as I feel my lower back is one of my weaker aspects of my body, and therefore my be punished!

My Cardio today was sponsored by the Stair Master, yet Another new machine for me. With low impact and replicating awfully well how tiring running up hundreds of stairs can be, its probably hit the top spot of my favourite cardio machine (I never thought I would be using favourite and cardio in the same sentence). Again looking at doing 3 minutes nice and gentle with a spike 1 minute of high intensity it allows me to keep that Heart rate nice and high and Metabolism soaring!

Hows Your Thursday!? Comment Below about what you are up to today.

Happy Lifting :)


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