9/04/15 Day 11-
I feel better for that sleep. I don't even think inanimate objects
sleep as well as I did last night, just goes to show how your body
lets you know what it needs. Listening to your body is absolutely
key, going against what your body needs will only result in damage
one way or the other. I order to function properly you need 8+ hour
sleep a night (more like 10, if you are really into your training),
eating good, healthy balanced meals throughout the day, and limiting
or even cutting alcohol out from your diet. To see results you must
make lifestyle changes that are achievable. To Learn more about Diet,
and the dos and don't of nutrition head over to:
on to today's training! Hurrah, its Back day, my favourite.
Lat Pull Down
– 2 Sets x 18-20 Reps
Pull Ups
– 3 Sets x Max Reps
Close Grip Pull Ups
– 3 Sets x Max Reps
Single Arm Barbell
Row – 3 Sets x 14-18 Reps
Leverage Iso Row
– 3 Sets x 14-18 Reps
Wide Grip Lat Pull
Down – 3 Sets x 14-18 Reps
- Interval
Training 15mins Total
sessions was actually quite a quick one, maybe I was just super
excited to train at 100% again or maybe that extra rest just gave me
the boost I needed to smash this workout. With some nice light sets
to start on the Lat
Pull Down,
I built up to a fairly respectable weight quite quickly and impressed
myself at the ease of the high reps. Now as I have said before I
usually train in the 12-15 rep range most of the time, so these high
rep sets usually take it our of me pretty quick. Focusing on pining
my elbows into my sides on the contraction allows me to fully engage
the whole length of the lats, and allowed me to pre fatigue the
muscles slightly before moving on to the next to killer exercises!
& Close
Grip Pull Ups
are not my friends, I have always struggled with these exercises,
probably something to do with my 2m+ wingspan, but none the less I
cracked on. For the Pull Ups I used a assistance band, I felt that
without this band I would not get an adequate amount of reps out to
warrant doing the exercise. By making it slightly easier to perform
the reps, I make it twice as hard by squeezing out as many reps, and
½ reps as I can, again looking to flood those muscles with as much
blood as they can hold! “I
Don't Start Counting The Reps, Until It Starts Hurting”-Muhammad
When moving on to the Single
Arm Barbell Rows, I
knew that I was going to find this quite hard. With the exercise
being standing up and bent over, it means that my lower back really
had to work hard to help transfer the energy into the movement, and I
know my lower back is one of my weak points, but its slowly getting
stronger, and secondly my muscles were so fatigued from my Max reps,
that squeezing out some heavy reps was going to be a challenge. You
know me, I don't back down from a challenge, I rise up, to conquer.
I took a few minutes to regain my
breath and focus, and then moved onto the Leverage
Iso Row, no w not all
gyms have these, so you may need to find a alternative. This is
another first for me, and proved to be a lot more difficult than
expected, I wanted to make sure I was achieving full range on this
machine, so I threw my attention into driving my elbows back hard and
fast, squeezing at the top for 1 second, then slowly lower back to
the beginning trying to spread my lats on the way down, for the
eccentric work.
Finishing off the session the
same way I started, Wide
Grip Lat Pull Down, I
became aware very quickly of how worn out my muscles had become when
performing this. With a lower rep range, I told myself I could add a
few more stacks on the machine, nope. Having to work with the same
weight I started the session at I could believe how hard this was
now. So when ever I have to lift lighter than I want I always make
sure I work as controlled and as effectively as I can. Make those
wings grow.
With an evening at work fast
approaching its time for a quick shower, a spot of lunch (probably
chicken and rice) and a leisurely cycle in this glorious English sun!
How is your Thursday?
Happy Lifting
I have now decided to cancel my present gym membership of 15 years and come and train with the best! You're an inspiration mate.............