6/04/15 Day 8
– Legs & Abs
hit me like a truck, with Week 2 starting all the rep ranges I am
working through are going to be that much higher than last week, but
this doesn't mean I am allowed to just take off a few plates and make
it easy, oh no, this is where we make it harder once again!
realising I was actually hitting pretty much the same weight on all
the matching exercises from Week 1 on
the session today. With the first week being all about lifting as
heavy as possible, its quite amazing that I am hitting the same
weights, on a rep range that has been increased from 8-12 to 14-18,
that's a big difference.
expect to sweat, expect to be sore and expect to see some serious
growth. Today's session is:
Barbell Squat
– 2 Sets x 14-18 Reps
Wide Stance Barbell
Squat – 2 Sets x 14-18 Reps
Leg Extensions
– 4 Sets x 14-18 Reps
Seated Leg Curl
– 4 Sets x 14-18 Reps
Hack Squat
– 4 Sets x 14-18 Reps
Seated Calf
Raise – 5 Sets x
18-20 Reps
Crunches with Legs
on a Bench – 4 Sets x 10
Oblique Crunches, 10 Normal, 10 Second Hold
– 4 Sets x 30 Reps
Cardio -
Training 15mins Total
made sure starting with a big warm up, active stretch session and
some real light sets to loosen the joints of for the session.
Remember you can never warm up too much!
idea of today's session is getting the big, free standing compound
movements out the way at the beginning of the session, then look to
isolate the same muscles used, this will allow me to fatigue my
muscles as much as possible, before moving onto another big compound
exercise. So we are making it hard on ourselves by taking the energy
away so the muscles have to work harder to contract, and therefore
pump more, tear more and grow more.
the Barbell
Squats &
Stance Barbell Squats
I really wanted to go heavy and slow on these exercises as its an
area I really want to progress on, so I don't want to throw the
weight around and allow momentum to do the work, I want to put in
the hard yards to get my squats stronger and more powerful.
out of breath from those extra reps I moved onto the Leg
and got ready to isolate, squeeze and embrace the burn. First set,
smashed it, second, smashed it, then I hit a wall, not even making it
to my lower rep range I had to start pausing between my reps. Now I
don't consider pause rest cheating by any means, if it helps to get
the reps out then you have to do what you have to do. It made me
realise what a massive difference and extra few reps can do to your
my John Wayne legs on I stumbled over to the Laying
Leg Curl machine,
as we don't have a Seated Leg Curl machine at my Gym. So here I was
focusing on my Eccentric Phase (actively lengthening the muscle). As
I'm working against a weight and gravity, this is where I can get the
most microfibre tears, which is what I want if I'm going to grow!
came the hard part. With my legs already shaking like Bambi on ice, I
plated up. I refused to work below 40kg on the Hack
which in hindsight was a great mentality after, but during the
sets...oh my Arnold, I hated myself! But again, don't take the easy
way out. If you want quads that can light a fire as the rub while you
walk, you are going to have to force them through some SERIOUS
round off the Legs I jumped on the Seated
Calf Raise.
Without realising I was repping on the same weight as Week 1, which I
was actually pretty chuffed with! Pausing at the top of the raise for
a second before returning to the bottom of the range, I wanted to
squeeze some blood into those bad boys, after all, what the point of
being Quadzilla if you have chicken leg Calves!?
some rest!...that isn't long lived, I kept my heart rate up and moved
swiftly onto my Ab
The first set of abs was without a doubt the hardest! That 10 second
hold feels like it goes on forever! And with under 30 seconds rest
between each set the lactic acid builds up at an exponential rate!
With the standard Crunches
I kept the feet of the floor to engage my lower abdomen, as this
is a week point for me, but not for long!
off to the stair master for my cardio. Which I embraced after the
crazy amount of food I consumed yesterday, feeling fat is an
good to be back in the Gym!
you are all enjoying the Bank Holiday Monday with the people that
mean the most to you. Much love to all of you, following me through
this journey.
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