19/04/15 Day 21 –
Active Rest
you ever find yourself down? Sometimes you aren't quite sure what you
are working for, you're lost and don't have the motivation to drive
on to success, or maybe you just want to try something new for a
change? Here are a few ways I personally keep my motivation levels
high and constantly stay on track for success.
Goal Setting
you have probably heard about this a million and times, so a million
and 1 won't hurt. Deciding what you want to be or where you want to
be is incredibly simple to do. When you have that “place” in mind
you then work backwards to figure out how you will get there. For
instance: I want to place in the top 5 in my first ever Bodybuilding
Competition, then I would say, ok how will I do this? Well I need to
get my nutrition right week in week out (achievable) I need to stick
to my training plan (achievable) I need to work on my posing
(achievable) etc. So make them small goals you can monitor and keep
track of, tick them off as you go and the motivational boast will be
mental imagery is an incredibly powerful tool. By visualising exactly
what you want in life you are able to home in on what you must do to
be there, the more you think about being there the more you will want
it, the more you want it the more you think of it. The cycle goes on
until it is the 1 and only thing you focus on, when this happens you
will naturally do everything that is in your power to make sure that
it happens. Try it, you will be amazed!
Talking to
affirmations are some of the most powerful self motivating tools in
anyone's arsenal. Saying something as basic as “I can do this, I
can do this, I can do this” will force yourself to believe that you
have all the tool capable to “do this”. It can be used in pretty
much any scenario and will really and I mean really unlock your brain
to endless and unlimited power.
Role Models
a role model is a fantastic way to constantly remind yourself why you
are doing what you do, whether it be an image you are trying to
replicate (bodybuilding) or a certain sum you want in your pay check
at the end of every month, you have to look at the people that are
doing it and say, what are they doing that I am not? Once you break
that down and utilise the same thing that they are, there is nothing
to stop you.
Fly with Eagles
you surround yourself with people who are not interested in what you
are trying to achieve you will have a source of temptation, with this
comes distraction and if you are truly wanting this “thing” what
ever it may be you must completely and utterly immerse yourself
within it. To keep moving constantly and consistently forward you
must surround yourself with people, like yourself, who share the same
common goals and interests, this is how you will truly become
seek more free advice and help in your training or even get a
customised fitness/nutrition plan send me an e-mail at:
am on there everyday and get back to everyone.
you have enjoyed your weekend,
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